So of course the day I get my camera I have to test it out..EVERYWHERE!
So while we were going to New Orleans to the airport to pick up my in-laws and niece from vacation I decided to capture a few (well more than a few) pictures.
This was the sky...I just thought the clouds were cool/crazy looking.
We crossed the bridges!
And then we made it to the airport.
J had the idea to take some pictures from the top of the parking garage. I'm glad we did!
Yes this is J...he thinks he is on ANTM!
Then we waited (we were a little early) and it was so cold in the airport so we sat some wheelchairs!!!
Then they arrived...(horrible focus) but they were running towards us almost.
These are great Lace. I definitely need to break out my camera more often to capture day-to-day life...this was great inspiration to do just that!
Thanks! I used to take pictures everyday and then I started doing it as a side job so I don't do it as much. Now with seeing my niece more it reminds me that I want to be able to remember these times down the road of life.
I'm back to caring around one of my cameras everywhere!
You should get ready to take tons of pics...I have a feeling you will soon begin to take pictures daily. (Glad your dr's appointment went ok)
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